Real Estate

The Union’s greatest riches is in its real estate with already some developed properties in Nairobi, Meru and Nanyuki. This is a key revenue generating activity that funds the Union's activities and also enhances the services offered to the member farmers. Some of the key properties owned by the Union include Imenti house in Nairobi, Coffee Building, and Meru Safari hotel in Meru.

However, the Union has not exploited the full potential of its properties, hence there are plans of developing/improving the properties in order to boost revenue. In order to achieve this objective, plans are underway to reconstruct Imenti House into an ultra modern sky scrapper. An ultra modern shopping complex (Meru Avenue Mall) is complete at Gitimbine area along Meru – Nkubu road. The property is owned by farmers through shareholding. The share structure has also provided for non members to be part of the development through acquisition of class “B” shares. For Individuals interested in purchasing shares, visit us at the head office, MACCU building, first floor.

We therefore call upon all to be part of this development as shareholders, financiers, financing intermediaries, Tenants or service providers. Why would you be left out?